This article
was submitted by a man who was a permanent clothes room boy at the Reception Center
in 1966.
It would be naive not to classify this Dentist as someone
who had been accepted due to being a low bid, local influence, and a kickback
to the individual approving the contract to provide service. After all, this is Gatesville Texas we’re
talking about.

I would escort his first victim into the chair at which
point the Dentist would turn around with his eyes wildly open making ungodly animalistic
sounds having his hands ghoulishly raised in the air while displaying his fake
vampire teeth, scaring the shit out of the boy in the chair.
Shortly thereafter, he would start giggling, remove his
teeth and the work would begin. This is when the horror actually
started. These boys were extremely reluctant to open their mouths,
whereby the dentist would either slap them in the face real hard and/or pry
their mouth open. When things really got bad is when the teeth were
broken during the extraction process and the dentist had to use a flat shovel
like instrument to dig and pry the pieces out of the gums.
I’ve seen people with hate in their eyes, I’ve seen people
with fear in their eyes, but I have only witnessed people with terror in their
eyes during this process. This was a horrible act that some of these boys
had to endure. I felt that due to what I would consider malpractice
behavior, that his antics would soon be revealed. This example and the
amount of screams heard by the caseworkers down the common hall you would think...
but this is culturally acceptable practice in Gatesville.
After many months of this activity it finally came to a
conclusion. One day when he failed to show up at the Reception Center, I
was told he had missed the entrance, barely missing the red brick monument Reception
Center sign and was passed out in his car due to what I was told
intoxication. Many boys that went through this process may have hang ups
about going to a Dentist and that is unfortunate.
The Dentist used Novocain prior to extracting the boy’s
teeth. I vividly remember loading the syringes during the process with
these tubes of Novocain that had a turquoise rubber blue stopper on one
end. One evening, while cleaning the vampire room with a boy from Laredo,
who we called Indian because he looked like a Mexican Indian, he got a hold of
one of these Novocain cartridges, popped off the rubber top and drank the Novocain.
I worried if he was going to be alright, and the next day when I asked if it
did anything for him, he said that it didn’t.
The reception center has their
share of unfortunate secrets.